1. Gabriel is a novel about the future Antichrist. What does the Bible say about the Antichrist?

The novel depicts Gabriel as the possible future Antichrist but is a fictionalized version of what the Bible teaches will happen in the end times. In the Bible, the word “Antichrist” is only mentioned five times, all in 1 and 2 John (1 John 2:18 twice; v. 22; 4:3; and 2 John 1:7).

The Antichrist is also mentioned throughout Bible prophecy, especially in Revelation, where he will arise as a global leader opposed to God, Christians, and Jews. This evil leader will come to power during the seven-year tribulation period described in Daniel and Revelation.  Those who hold to a pretribulation view of the rapture believe the Antichrist will come to power after believers are taken to be with Jesus in heaven. Though the Antichrist will come to power during the tribulation, this person could begin to come to power at any time as fictionalized in Gabriel.

2. The book opens with a focus on Afghanistan. How is this related to recent events in the area?

Much of the history in the prologue of Gabriel is factual history. It is blended with fiction, of course, but the nation played an important role in the 1970s under President Jimmy Carter, in the 1980s during the Cold War when Ronald Reagan was president and was an important focus during the war on terror after 9/11.

As the recent botched U.S. military withdrawal revealed, Afghanistan continues to wield much power and havoc. The Taliban has come to power with an enormous amount of U.S. military gear and includes many radicals who would be willing to use it as part of its attacks on others.

3. The early chapters take readers into the mysteries involving Wuhan, China. Why is there so much controversy about the lab?

The Wuhan lab in China has been the focus of much attention since the rise of COVID-19. Much mystery remains regarding the origin of the coronavirus, something that is fictionalized in the novel. However, the U.S. government, among other nations, continues to investigate regarding potential gain-of-function research and whether the virus originated in a lab or wet market.

The novel doesn’t attempt to give an answer but shows how the mystery surrounding the virus leads to many questions that remain unanswered regarding the virus that have grabbed the attention of the world since the start of the pandemic in 2020.

4. Some have suggested that COVID-19, the vaccines, or a vaccine passport is the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation. Is this true?

I do not believe this is an accurate understanding of what the Bible teaches about the mark of the beast in Revelation 13. First, it will be in the future, taking place during the tribulation, meaning it has not happened yet.

Second, the mark will be visible on the head or right arm according to Revelation 13:16. This does not fit the description of the vaccines or even a vaccine passport.

Third, people will intentionally take the mark of the beast. It will not be something a person can accidentally take.

People usually make the connection due to Revelation 13:17 that says a person will be required to take the mark in order to buy or sell during the Tribulation. This does sound like what some places are now putting into practice, a condition that closely resembles what will become more widespread during the Tribulation.

5. The Bible talks about ancient Persia or Iran in prophecy. Do you see what’s happening with Iran and its nuclear ambitions having a prophetic significance?

Iran is noted in the novel Gabriel regarding its radical views of Israel and the U.S., something that is certainly true in real life among many of its leaders. The nation has pursued the development of nuclear weapons despite attempts from Israel and the U.S. to stop it.

In the Bible, Iran is the same land as Persia, an important empire that overtook Israel near the end of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible period. Daniel was an especially important figure who lived during part of this time, whose prophecies are used in the novel. Ezra and Nehemiah also served during this time.

6. The novel mentions China’s power struggle with the U.S. Is this an issue the Bible addresses?

Some have suggested the “kings of the East” mentioned in Revelation 16:12-16 refer to China and perhaps other eastern nations that will come against Jesus at the Battle of Armageddon at the end of the tribulation period in Revelation 19. Others suggest this is a spiritual force. Either interpretation is possible.

In our current world, China remains important for other reasons. As the world’s largest communist nation, it exerts much influence on freedom-related issues, especially religious freedom. China also continues to push its influence in American politics, a concern for many in our nation.

The issue of Taiwan has also been of recent importance. In the novel, the end includes a discussion of Jewish leaders in Taiwan that makes for a fun fictionalized version you will enjoy.

7. In Gabriel, you focus on a virus that mutates, and no vaccine can stop it. Is this really possible?

The Gabrielnovel builds on two ideas related to a future virus. The first is literal. Scientists have long feared a widespread, deadly virus that would resist vaccination. The idea of an ebola-like illness that would spread to millions worldwide has been a fear of many. While possible, the idea is fictionalized in the novel as a human-made virus with a vaccine controlled by an evil leader.

The second idea is biblical. During the tribulation, a series of 21 judgments are listed that are grouped in three sets of seven that are progressively worse. Some of the judgments sound like a plague, something that could fit the fictional account presented in the book.

8. Another theme in Gabriel is antisemitism. You have the largest social network platform in the world combating antisemitism with 75 million followers and the most significant social network campus in the State of Israel friends of Zion Heritage Center. Why have you committed your life to combating antisemitism? Why is it so important to you?

My life has been dedicated to fighting antisemitism since the age of 11 when I tried to protect my Jewish mother from being abused from my non-Jewish father. He choked me and left me unconscious. When I became conscious, I realized my goal was not to protect only one person from antisemitism. It was to protect all Jewish people.

Over the past 50 years, I have been blessed to work with top leaders in Israel and worldwide, starting initiatives like the Friends of Zion Heritage Center in Jerusalem, and the Jerusalem Prayer Team, the world’s largest pro-Israel social media network. Please visit FOZmuseum.org or JerusalemPrayerTeam.org for more information on how you can be involved.

9. You wrote a book two years before the attack on 9/11 predicting the attack and also stating it would be Osama bin Laden. You also wrote a book two years before the birth of ISIS that predicted how it would be formed and what it would be called in The Final Move Beyond Iraq which was a number one New York Times bestseller. What do you see happening in America’s future?

America has been greatly blessed by God, but there is no promise this blessing will continue. We are called to be a blessing to the Jewish people (Genesis 12:1-3), a promise that continues today. As we do, God may continue to bless our nation.

In 2020, America experienced God’s judgment in many ways. However, I believe that this rude awakening will lead to a third Great Awakening that will impact the U.S. again in the future.